From Glory Holes to Passports

14 Sep

Where would we be without experts…

The fact we need to rename the vexcines as vexcines to get past censors is really all one should need to know.

We are being led by people who are either retarded, innumerate, evil or some combination of all three. This holds true for the entire establishment axis of government, media and bureaucracy.

In Canada this includes what we refer to as the “Loyal Opposition”, which, particularly during Covid has revealed itself as neither loyal, nor opposed to too much more than not being in power.

Our covid response began in early 2020 with utterly absurd models courtesy of the often wrong Imperial College projecting one day that 500,000 otherwise healthy people in the UK and 1,000,000 in the US would drop dead from covid in 2020.

Governments around the world (foolishly) listened to the “expert” Neil Ferguson, the perpetually mistaken “professor” from the Imperial College whose models drove lockdowns, social distancing and masking across the Western hemisphere.

It’s worth noting Ferguson predicted 150,000 deaths in Britain from “Mad Cow Disease” in 2003 (there were 177) and 150 million deaths from the “Bird Flu” in 2005 (282 people died over a 6 year span).

These failures on the part the experts were not only well documented, but well known in the public health realm – but that didn’t stop governments in the Angloshpere from imposing unconstitutional “emergency” measures, suspending parliamentary debate, and moving quickly to a new technocratic authoritarian style of government informed entirely on models dressed up as data, from a range of experts, who like Ferguson at the Imperial College, have a long track record of being wrong.

Models, it should be stressed only tell the people who ask for the models, what the people who ask for the models want the models to tell them.

Want a “climate emergency”? Ask a modeller to give you a model that predicts catastrophic climate change, and presto – you have a climate emergency. The fact the observed historical data bears no resemblance to the modelled outcome rarely seems to be illustrated by a compliant media, or a class of experts whose paycheques depend on providing the bureaucracies and governments more of what they want to hear.

If Canadian governments federal and provincial, do one thing well, it’s compile data. We have reams of data relating to Covid, its lethality and transmissibility, vaccine efficacy and uptake and the usefulness of tactics such as lockdowns, masking and social distancing.

None of the data governments have supports the draconian, and largely theatrical, restrictions on our freedoms to which we have been subjected. Relying on flawed modelling, and “experts”, rather than data, can only suggest governments are less interested in public health and more interested in a broader, society altering agenda.

BC, in particular continues to rely on “cases” for the key metric to drive restrictions. These numbers are derived from a (known) flawed PCR tests, that returns up to 50% false positive results and cannot distinguish between Covid, it’s variants or influenza – so inaccurate are the PCR tests, the CDC in the US has recommended abandoning the tests in favour of more accurate antigen of antibody testing.

In BC, the rate of covid deaths per 100,000 population is .7, as of this post, the BC Government data indicates 236 hospitalizations of which 136 are in acute care. BC has a health care system that consumes $4 billion annually and a total of 5500 acute care beds. We’re told the health care system is in danger of collapse as a result of covid.

Many of the “hospitalizations” in BC (and Canada) are people who presented at the hospital for something other than Covid, were tested in hospital (with the flawed PCR test) and subsequently recorded as a Covid hospitalization.

According to Statistics Canada 2020 -2021 All Cause Mortality data, there were no deaths from Covid in people under 45 in 2020 who didn’t already have at least one other serious medical condition. Statistics are similar for all age groups, with obesity being the number one factor in covid hospitalizations and deaths.

Your likelihood of contracting Covid, even if we accept the absurd notion that a “case” is an “infection” is about 4%. Your risk of dying from Covid is about .07% – and essentially 0 if you are healthy

Governments, media and bureaucracies know all this. They know the risk to the general population from Covid is minimal, yet they persist in trotting out “experts” to maintain a narrative.

Why? The most logical explanations are hubris, power and money.

The primary objective of any bureaucracy is to grow the bureaucracy – public health department budgets have grown exponentially over the past two years, and there is no incentive internally to slow that down. It’s also impossible for any bureaucrat to admit failure and change course. That level of hubris is required to meet the primary objective.

Government is inherently evil and, untethered by constitutions, which have been largely ignored or abandoned altogether during Covid, will grab as much power as possible in an effort to restrict individual freedoms and the limits the electorate can impose upon it. Media is now so financially dependent on government, it is essentially the communications arm of the administrative state.

Big retail, pharma and tech has made a killing during the pandemic, while smaller competitors have disappeared. Consider just the number of PCR tests administered world wide over the past 2 years at around $150/test and the billions of vaccine doses purchased by tax funded governments. Is there any reason these groups would seriously be looking for a “cure”?

So we get experts telling us to present vaccine passports while we mask up and use glory holes in the name of “public safety”.

As long as the media and general public ignore the data, we’ll be ruled by experts – and “experts” are almost always wrong.

First They Cancelled “Sons” from O’Canada

7 Jul

Now they’re burning Churches…

There’s something deeply wrong in Canada. Most people can feel it deep in their bones but are afraid to say it.

It’s so insidious, and so evil, normal people can’t comprehend its happening, nor can we conceive that the evil is being driven by leaders and public institutions we have traditionally counted on to maintain the law, order and good government, are behind it. Until the latest Trudeau government was elected, Canada was an exemplar of constitutional government. Canadians enjoyed a level of liberty and freedom second only to America. No more.

The destruction of civil rights and personal freedoms at all levels of government during Covid, was so fast and so complete, it’s hard not to suspect the exercise in tyranny was the end game all along. Covid merely provided the opportunity for the administrative state and the elected puppets it controls to accelerate the agenda.

Even the bureaucrats must have been surprised at the speed and enthusiasm with which so many Canadians not only demanded, but embraced the destruction of our fundamental rights and freedoms for fear of has turned out to be a mild flu – but Covid provided the perfect vehicle to advance a new technocratic, “science based” take over of government.

One can critique the bureaucracy for its typically comical glacial movement, but the speed with which the administrative state wrapped its arms around Covid as a vehicle to assume control is admirable.

The lust for power is not restricted to the Liberal Party of Canada and the left. Covid “quarantine” facilities notwithstanding, so called “conservative” provincial governments moved more quickly and harshly to limit liberties than the federal government. We have the very real, and disturbing incarcerations of Christian pastors and confiscation of church property for the newspeak “crime” of practicing religion. Meanwhile violent Antifa, BLM, Islamist and Idle No More terrorists scamper around the country, not just unimpeded by law enforcement, but often protected by it – in the name of “diversity”.

The O’Toole conservatives, with a few exceptions, have been largely absent in opposition, and more often allied with the left’s attack on freedom.

Canada is not alone in handing over government to a few public health administrators, but Canada (and Australia)led the anglosphere in ignoring constitutional protections and leveraging police powers to impose tyranny on citizens.

When the Liberals first advanced the notion the the words in O’Canada “.. in all thy son’s command” were offensive, they must have been surprised how little pushback came from the Conservatives… and most Canadians. This was not the first example of Canada’s collective ambivalence to freedom, but it’s as good a starting point as any.

That seemingly minor event could be seen as the top of “slippery slope” Canada is now hurtling down. We have embraced institutional “wokeism” as a matter of faith. The confederation of media, bureaucracy, academia and government is destroying Canadian society, without offering any objective end goal. Destruction seems to be only goal, and there is no political party or cultural force willing to stand against the attacks.

Apart from O’Canada, there is a litany of seemingly minor events that have led us to the near police state Canada has become. Indian blockades of key transportation links that went unchallenged by government, passage of Islamic based blasphemy “motions”, denial of government programs on the basis of religion, a spate of higher court rulings upholding clearly unconstitutional laws and regulations that suggests, when it comes to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a lack or reading comprehension is a pre-req for a seat on the bench in Canada.

Confusing “diversity” with “perversity”, we celebrate “drag queen” story time for kindergarteners, a Toronto mayor stuffing $5 bills in the g-string of child boy “dancer”, the destruction of girls’ sports and the vilification of anyone who wonders aloud why we are upending every societal norm to satisfy the fetishes of a very few activists who, by numbers and avocation deviate wildly from mainstream Canadians.

We are now at a point in Canada where government and media has decided burning churches is not only acceptable, but justified. The “discovery” of well known grave yards at residential schools is the catalyst for this latest attack on tradition in Canada. The inference by natives and media that these graves are “mass graves” and somehow proof of Catholic genocide against Indians is only possible if one ignores history and facts. The grave yards are typical of any rural church and the children interred died over 85 years, during which time Canada experienced multiple real epidemics that killed millions of children – without regard to race.

Facts never matter in this kind of “revolution”, and the truth is what the powers make it. We went from changing the national anthem to government sanctioned church burning in the blink of an eye. Canada is broken, and Canadians are to blame. At some point there’ll be a snap back and it won’t be pretty, but there is little hope for the next generation, at least.

O’ Canada.

COVID-19… What Would We do Without Experts?

27 Mar

Covid -19 stubbornly refuses to deliver the apocalypse the experts promised.

Canada recorded its first Corona virus case on January 25, 2020 from a traveller coming from China. A few days later President Donald Trump banned travel to the US from China – a move the Canadian government told us was racist, and would have no impact on the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, the world watched in horror as the body count from Covid-19 exploded in Italy into the thousands, experts like Neil Ferguson in UK sounded the alarm telling us if we didn’t act quickly, millions would die.  In New York, the entire city leadership publicly encouraged New Yorkers to go about their lives, ride transit, go to restaurants and bars, assuring New Yorkers everything was under control.

In Canada, the media and the Liberal Party government slowly came the realization that when it came to leveraging the public’s uneasiness about pandemics, they were way behind the curve.  In the blink of an eye, Sophie Trudeau returned home from a tryst in London England, infected with Covid-19.  Suddenly the “dire” consequences of Corona virus were launched into the public spotlight. Our Prime Minister’s wife was sick and he would need to “quarantine” himself for two weeks.  In a matter of days the experts who at one time told us everything was under control, pivoted to calls for “social distancing”, “self-isolation” and eventually a complete shutdown of the economy.

Experts assured us no cost was too great to stop the deadly spread of the Wuhan Flu.

Experts assured us hospitals would be overwhelmed, we’d run out of ICU beds and ventilators, we’d be piling corpses in make shift morgues. Stay home, the experts told us.

Canadians, being Canadians, with a built-in but unjustified faith in government followed the rules. Experts told us that businesses and facilities must close. Experts told us millions would need to be laid off. Government experts passed “emergency” legislation to inflate its way out of the economic mess it created, and tried to usurp the power of Parliament while they were at it. Health experts told us we would become the next Italy.

In the two months between January 25, when Canada saw its first COVID-19 case and today, March 27, Canada has recorded 40 deaths, and about 4000 cases.  For those not good at math, that’s a 1% mortality rate.  With a couple of exceptions, the deaths were confined to the oldest age groups, most with compromised respiratory and immune systems.

6% of cases required hospitalization, 2% were “critical”.  In total, as of this writing Canada has had about 80 people nationally requiring acute care as a result of COVID-19.

40 deaths and 4000 cases two months into what the experts told us was the deadliest pandemic the modern world has seen, seems, at best, unremarkable.

In the words of the inimitable Dr. Birx, Trump’s exceptional choice for his Corona virus task force “models are models”.

There is no data to suggest the scale of infection and mortality originally modelled by the experts will come close to reflecting the situation in the real world.  Even Neil Ferguson sought to “clarify” his original apocalyptic predictions as the data continues to falsify his modelled worst case projections.

We are seeing a trickle of opinions and articles make their way into the mainstream media questioning the veracity and usefulness of the epidemiological models and the government reaction to it.

Unfortunately, the inertia surrounding the COVID-19 scare created by the experts, and amplified by government reliance on them means we’ll continue to destroy our economies and apply blanket restrictions to address issues confined to small portions of the population who are at risk – for an illness which at this point in it’s spread, is less infectious and not as lethal as annual seasonal flu outbreaks.

We continue to trust the experts, God only knows why.

When It Comes COVID-19, Math is Hard

22 Mar
Note: Covid-19 represents a serious health threat to older people and people with compromised respiratory and immune systems.  It is important the we take the steps of social distancing, washing our hands, isolating if sick or recently returned from abroad, and taking the necessary precautions to keep high risk individuals in our immediate social circles safe.

Humans evolved to identify immediate threats, and take steps to survive – as we evolved we weren’t really concerned about the total number of lions on the savanna, we were really only concerned about the one lion trying to eat us.

That’s why it’s so easy for politicians and the media to manipulate people during crisis situations (and elections), by ignoring the data, and magnifying the fear by pushing the one or two data points that help meet their agendas.

Government’s agenda is to grow the bureaucracy and take more power, the media’s agenda is more eyeballs to grow advertising revenue.

Thus we have been told the “exponential growth” and “explosion” in the number of new cases in Covid-19 poses an existential threat to mankind, and the only way to save civilization is to shut down the economy and surrender our civil rights and liberty to government.  To suggest otherwise, according to Twitter and the media, means you’re an uncaring monster.

The number of new cases of Covid-19 is exactly the wrong metric by which the government should be developing the policy around the disease. People are going to get sick, whether with Covid, the common cold, cancer or flu. It’s part of the human condition, and no gov’t policy will “stop” the spread of contagious disease.  We are still fighting tuberculosis and polio, despite years of mass immunization and education.

But politicians know this, and it’s because they know that by presenting “worst case scenarios”, they can achieve the twin goals of acquiring more power and growing government. The media is happy to come along for the ride.

What makes the government response to Covid-19  even more questionable is the fact that in Canada, the government’s own data provides policy makers with all the baseline data they need to calm the public, get people back to work in a timely manner, and start to manage the care of those most at risk of death or ongoing complications from the disease.

The fact they won’t is telling.

At the time of this writing, Canada is reporting a total of 1302 cases and 19 deaths.  Total cases have increased from 100 on March 2, 2020 to 1302 today.  On the face of it, a 13 fold increase in cases three weeks is “alarming”.  But compared to what?  There is no evidence to suggest this growth in cases is any greater, or deadlier, than the growth in cases in any other seasonal illness.

The government knows (and to ought tell us), that there are clearly groups of people, based on age and health conditions who are at greater risk of dying.  These people are typically over 70 years AND have compromised respiratory or immune system. This is the group of people who have died in Italy, and appears to be overrepresented in that country’s tragic experience with Covid-19.

Canada is not Italy.

Federal government data shows the vast majority of cases are in age group categories that are NOT at risk of dying from Covid-19.

March 21 Covid age groups

13% of Canada’s the total cases fall into the “highest risk” age category over 70. Despite the clearly intentional impression left by government and media, merely contracting Covid-19 is not a death sentence.

In the widely reported “40% of hospitalizations were under 55 years old” victims in the US had underlying pre-existing health concerns.

While we have seen an increase in the rate of contraction from “community setting”, the vast majority of the early increase came from travellers.  This fact highlights the failure of the Trudeau government to ban travel from China and Iran much earlier.  Despite this abdication of responsibility, most of these travellers will recover.

Covid Exposure

Despite government claims that people are ignoring Covid-19 warnings, almost 89,000 Canadians who have exhibited some of the general symptoms of Covid-19 have submitted to testing. 1.3% of those have tested positive for the disease.

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Most importantly, the overall mortality rate for Covid-19 is only 1.4%.  If one removes the deaths from the high risk age and health cohort, the mortality rate is essentially 0.

Canadian data mirrors the US and South Korean experience.

So what do we know about Corvid-19 today that we didn’t know a month ago?

We know the rate of contraction is not any greater than the spread of other seasonal illness, including other, more deadly Corona family virus like SARS and MERS.

We know most of the people who contract the disease are in the low risk age and heath cohorts and will recover after light to mild symptoms.

We know there are people who are most at risk of dying who have specific age and health conditions.

We know people who exhibit Covid-19 symptoms are self reporting, getting tested and almost 99% do NOT have the illness.

Finally we know that the risk of death to individuals who do not fall into the high risk groups is, for all intents and purposes, zero.

We know this – and the government and media know this too. Yet we’re told mandatory self-isolation and even more draconian measures to enforce people to surrender personal freedoms are in store. At the same time, there is no discussion about how this government plans to get healthy people back to work and mitigate the risks to the people most in danger from Covid-19.

While it is imperative that we take the responsibility to keep ourselves and those around us as safe as possible by following the recommended practices of social distancing, personal hygiene and self isolation where necessary,  the fact they’re not telling us the whole story should give us pause about handing more and more power to them in their “fight” of Covid-19.


COVID 19 – Social Media Disease?

19 Mar

“It is necessary – secretly and urgently to prepare the terror.”

Vladimir Lenin

At the time of this writing, nearly 12 weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic– three provinces in Canada, Canada and the US, including a number of states, have declared “States of Emergency”.

Media are employing deliberately inflammatory language to describe the disease and the threat to the general population.

Efforts by government and media to “inform” the public are doing as much to spread  fear as offering information. This, despite the fact there is enough data available to governments and people to draw rational, logical conclusions about the risks, and appropriate responses.

The use by government and media of the rate of increase in cases as the risk metric, ignoring the mortality rate across age groups and risk cohorts appears to be designed to sow the greatest level of fear in the general public.

The Canadian experience, in a country of 37 million, today is 12 deaths – in total. All of the fatalities appear to be in the highest risk group, over 70 years old, many living in the same care home in North Vancouver, all apparently with pre-existing compromised respiratory and or immune systems.

At the same time, Canada is reporting only 727 total cases. The US is reporting 160 deaths and 10,725 cases. Canada has tested 53,975 people suspected of being infected, only 611 or 1.13% tested positive.

Canada’s COVID-19 mortality rate is 1.1%. The US’ mortality rate is 1.4%.

The data can only be viewed as confirming the general public is a very low risk of danger from Covid-19. It is certain that more cases and fatalities will be identified as the epidemic plays out, but as the 1.13% positive test results indicate, it is unlikely we’ll see the exponential increases projected by the media and governments.

So why the panicked response by government?

Twitter, and to a lesser extent other social media platforms, have a disproportionate influence on government policy formation. Politicians mistakenly believe, despite the small number of people on social media relative to the population, and the over-representation in that group of media and hyper partisan activists – that social media represents the “pulse” of the populace.

One need only to spend a few minutes on social media to get a sense of the misinformed, agenda driven discourse that has hijacked the political agenda and now informs policy and legislative through all levels of government and bureaucracy. The spread of fear and panic, whether over mythical rise of “far-right” activists, the existential threat of CO2, or the white washing of groups such as ANTIFA and the minimization of the threat of radical Islamic violence has found a home on social media, and clearly influences the thinking of policy makers.

Canada’s Liberal government allocates significant financial resources and political capital to the use social media as a propaganda and communications channel.

This in effect creates a feedback loop for policy makers, most of whom have never worked outside of government, and in our digital environment, rarely get out from behind their computers to see what is actually going on in their constituencies.

An example of the result of policy making within this social media driven bubble is the disastrous response of the Trudeau government to the faux Wet’stewetan blockades early in 2020, and its negotiation with a small, foreign funded group of “hereditary” chiefs over Coastal LNG, rendering irrelevant the 20 elected FN bands that voted 80% to support the project.

This response to the blockades mystified most Canadians, and is inexplicable until one understands just how much influence social media has on policy formation within the Trudeau regime.

Combine that with a demonstrably inexperienced and incompetent Cabinet, senior staff, and the close ties of the Liberal Party of Canada to the Chinese government, the slow, muddled and so far, ineffective federal actions to restrict travel from China, the epicenter of the disease, starts to make sense.

Perhaps a greater concern is the ease with which the government, and the populace, embraced the suspension of civil liberties to “fight” Corona virus. It’s useful here to refer back to the data in this discussion. We are experiencing mortality rates of about 1%. From increased testing we see less than 2% of suspected patients test positive for Corona virus (and these numbers include false positive results), deaths/million population is essentially zero:

Deaths per million

via The Powerline Blog

This in no way minimizes the tragedy of the loss of life or complications of the disease, or suggests the steps people need to take to remain safe are unnecessary.

That said, it may make sense to step back and ask ourselves if allowing government to infringe, in any manner, on our personal liberties, for what at this point, appears to be a public health concern that is less deadly than SARS, and comparable to H1N1 and MERS, is worth the risk.

We should ask ourselves if we accept the premise the government can kill the economy, designate people as “infected” on the basis of their travel history and demand quarantine under the threat of force, to address a concern that to date has resulted in 12 deaths – is there ANY future event deemed by the social media mob to be an emergency that will be too small to suspend freedoms?

We will recover from Corona virus – we may never recover from our response to it.

The Quest to Find the White Supremacists

10 Apr

An oddly coincidental set of events occurred this week when representatives in both the US House of Representatives and the Canadian House of Commons took time from their efforts to save the planet from CO2 to smear Canadian nationalist Faith Goldy as a purveyor of hate – a “White Supremacist”.

The comments from Liberal House Leader Bardish Chagger (another of Trudeau’s class of  ’15 incompetent female frontbenchers) and CPC Leader Andrew Scheer, and comments during the US House hearings into “white nationalism”, curiously coincide with both governments’ collusion with Facebook to ban content politicians find uncomfortable.

Goldy, a devout Catholic, and traditional conservative commentator has been active in criticizing, among other things, Canadian immigration policy.  As a Rebel Media contributor, she was one of a very few journalists who exposed the extreme views of the real White Supremacists during the Charleston SC “pro-nazi” vs ANTIFA incident.  Her appearance on an allegedly pro-nazi podcast got her fired from the Rebel, and branded as a bigot, despite the fact, on that podcast, and throughout her public career, she has never indicated a view that the colour of one’s skin has anything to do with “superiority”.

But facts are never particularly important for politicians or the media. They’re quick to embrace any third world culture, regardless of how extreme, bigoted or demonstrably violent, as important additions to our rich cultural mosaic.  Goldy ran afoul of Facebook because she questions, with justification, the wisdom of increased immigration of indigent, low skilled individuals from places with cultural values and norms that are antithetical to Canada’s founding principles.

Politicians assure us, due to demographic realities, we must import hundreds of thousands of immigrants to “replace” an aging Canadian population. It is unclear how bringing entire families, including aging grandparents, women and children with their unskilled husbands, few of whom bring any useful job skills will address the hypothetical demographic “time bomb”.  There is in fact no data to support this strategy.

So why do Facebook, the media and politicians of all stripes embrace far-left thugs like ANTIFA, radical Islamist Imams, Communists and Anti-Semites? It’s a rhetorical question. Any form of nationalist enthusiasm threatens the money and power globalists both count on now for personal enrichment, and anticipate growing in the future.

Climate change, immigration, cyber-security policies all require increased tax revenues from working individuals, and these revenues flow directly to a few multi-national corporations, with bureaucrats and politicians getting a cut in the process.

There are not enough White Supremacists in Canada to fill a school bus, and Faith Goldy would not qualify for a seat on that bus.  Her “crime”  isn’t that she hates people because of the colour of their skin – it’s calling politicians and media to account for supporting a range of policies that hurt the average Canadian, and enrich a few powerful people who have no concern for either citizens, or the immigrants with whom they continue to burden us.  It is indeed a brave new world.

SNC-Lavalin – If by “Naive” You Mean Blind…

31 Mar

“I’m shocked to find there’s gambling going on here!”… Canada’s national media reaction to Jody Wilson-Raybould’s release of her conversation with former Head of the Privy Council Michael Wernick sounds strangely like that of Captain Renault in the movie “Casablanca” – both in terms of it’s collective wilful blindness to the systemic corruption of the Liberal Party of Canada and it’s eagerness to take $595 million dollars from the party in return for compromising whatever ethical standards it once had.

Led by the nose, most Canadian media have taken the Liberal Party’s invitation to smear Judy Wilson-Raybould by parroting the LPC backroom’s evolving fantasies – variously impugning the characters of Wilson-Raybould, Scott Brison, Jane Philpott, Stephen Harper and a Provincial Supreme Court Justice. The trouble, we’re told, is Wilson-Rabould is variously difficult, not a team player, doesn’t care about jobs.  Now we’re told we should ignore JWR’s recording of her conversation with Canada’s top bureaucrat, because Wernick didn’t know he was being recorded.

Chris Selley’s piece in the National Post focusses on the self-deception and outright lying to which so many in the media and the establishment elites have resorted to protect Justin Trudeau, and their own world-view.

36% of the electorate in 2015 knew exactly how Trudeau – and, it’s important to add – his MP’s would act.  The Trudeau Prime Ministership could end no other way – if not SNC Lavalin then the Norman Trial, or some other scandal in the tradition of AdScam.  We were not naive at all.

SNC Lavalin is about money for LPC insiders, the utter disregard for the law and contempt for the Canadian people, that has always defined the Liberal Party, and the internal lust for power that infects all the players in this tragedy – Trudeau, Wilson-Raybould, Philpott, Wernick and the media.

Everyone knew the election of Justin Trudeau would have consequences – the erosion of trust in our justice system is just one  of many.

The Incredible Dhimmitude of Andrew Coyne…

16 Mar

In the wake of the appalling massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, there was the predictable rush by politicians to condemn the actions of someone who is clearly insane.

There was also to predictable, and pathetic, attempt by many in the Canadian media to somehow associate the motivations of the Christchurch shooter to people who choose not to support The Liberal Party of Canada, and it’s insane immigration policies.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the vacuous column in the National Post by supposed “conservative” columnist Andrew Coyne.

Coyne somehow imagines in his column that CPC Leader, Andrew Scheer, in his initial comments about the massacre, by not admonishing his party supporter’s for their opposition to the illegal border crossings by economic migrants, is somehow a willing accomplice in the New Zealand massacre – as are, according to Coyne, most of his supporters…egged on apparently by Ezra Levant and Rebel Media…

Obviously neither Scheer nor The Rebel is responsible, in themselves, for the actions of terrorists. But they can be held to account for their part in creating the climate of opinion in which extremists flourish and madmen find inspiration. After Christchurch, after Quebec City, after Brevik and other atrocities, this is hardly a theoretical concern.

That’s a pretty big “but”… Coyne’s bigoted sideswipe of conservative Canadians is a reprehensible attempt to link the actions of a madman, whose belief system is  more representative of a perverted combination of Naomi Klein, Catherine McKenna and Bernie Sanders than an Alberta grain farmer to Canadian Conservatives.

The manifesto left by the terrorist — whose name I don’t think deserves mentioning — is a mishmash of ideas. He calls himself an “Eco-fascist,” one who combines environmentalism, racism and authoritarianism into one repulsive package. In his mind the world is dying from over-population, but over-population of the “wrong” kind. He hates capitalism, free markets, and free trade but he loves the Communist Chinese government and fascism.

Coyne’s view, and that of many others in the Ottawa bubble, can only be attributed to a combination of their disdain for the average Canadian, who is smart enough to see the Christchurch massacre as the work of an insane murderer, and a creepy form of dhimmitude, – a desire to curry favour with the Islamists in Canadian politics, by manufacturing bigotry where none exists.

The reaction of people like Coyne to Scheer’s response to the New Zealand shootings are illustrative of the contempt most in Canadian media hold for the concerns of most Canadians – as is their collective silence when it comes to events that don’t quite fit the narrative

The Liberals Don’t Want to “Change the Channel” on SNC Lavalin

7 Mar

As long as we’re talking about our “Feminist Prime Minister”, we’re not looking at the systemic corruption within the Liberal Party and the federal bureaucracy the Liberals have run for the past 12 decades.

Canadian media is littered with swamp dwellers, horrified that the carefully constructed image of Justin Trudeau as the most woke leader ever, has come apart in a matter of days.  The popular view that Trudeau and Wilson-Raybould experienced the SNC Lavalin discussions differently, because Trudeau is still not woke enough, is taking up most of the air time and ink – the Liberals are quite happy to have the media  debate SNC Lavalin as the battle of the sexes.

The associated narrative that Trudeau was motivated by a concern over jobs at SNC Lavalin is another helpful diversion, and an insult to anyone in Canada’s resource industry.

Quebec is the traditional base of the Liberal Party.  As such it is impossible for key Liberal Party players both elected and unelected to avoid the stench of dirty money that drives Quebec politics. Whether SNC Lavalin or AdScam, the botched Ottawa public transit projects, or the 1976 Montreal Olympics, connected Liberals have profited personally and funnelled billions of tax dollars to their friends in Quebec business, and perhaps even in organized crime for decades.

Saving jobs, balancing gender and apologizing to natives is great fodder for power panels and op eds.  It also ensures we never really address the built in criminality in the Liberal Party.

Andrew Scheer is correct...


SNC Lavalin – Blame Harper…

6 Mar

Gerald Butts testified over his involvement in the SNC Lavalin affair today – he called Jody Wilson-Raybould a liar. He also assured us, despite his role in killing three major pipeline projects (and the 10s of 1000’s associated jobs), that, by unlawfully interceding on behalf of a key Liberal Party donor, involved in a criminal case, he was merely protecting “jobs”.

Apparently, according to Ms. Wilson-Raybould, Mr. Butts was not only aware of the restrictions that specifically forbids “economic interests” from being considered as rationale for deferred prosecution agreements – he indicated he “didn’t like the law”… that Stephen Harper put in place specifically to stop the Liberals from pulling off another AdScam…

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One wonders why…?