Dutch Disease?

18 Jul

Is this just piling on Angry Tommy Mulcair...???

Angevine said Canada would add $10.5 billion to its GDP with the construction of the Northern Gateway project. Operations would bring at least 1,150 long-term jobs and funnel $9 billion per year to the country’s GDP.

The majority of construction-related jobs would occur in Alberta and British Columbia.

Ontario and Quebec’s struggling manufacturing sector could benefit from supplying steel, equipment and other supplies to the project, the report said.

Angevine also argued Canadian pension plans, which are heavily invested in the oilsands, would see greater financial returns and producers could sell Canadian oil for higher prices to Asian countries. For instance, the report points to the $1.8 billion investment the Canada Pension Plan has in the region, plus a $1 billion oilsands investment made by the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.


Sun News

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