Tag Archives: Arab Srping

The Muslim Brotherhood Really Are Bad Actors…

8 Aug

Oh the Humanity….

…a Muslim Brotherhood “demonstration” in Egypt that was specifically staged to get the most dramatic poses, as the actors freeze their poses for the photographers. Injuries and even bloodstains are faked. Which is not to say only the MB is responsible for such drama: what is shown below is a prevalent tactic used across various ideologies and factions around the world to generate sympathy with the naive, gullible and easily influenced “western” audiences who are always willing to accept “reality” at face value.


Halal Catering?


Zero Hedge

Obama, The Bro’Hood and Occam’s Razor

20 Sep

When there’s no reasonable complex explanation for Obama’s tacit support for the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists, the simple explanation is most likely true…



You’re either with us, or against us…