Archive | 8:20 pm

The attack on Iran will come shortly…

18 Sep

Israel’s Pre-War Planning

In the 1930s, the Nazi regime gave repeated cause to fear its ambitions. That generated appeasement efforts and it did nothing to deter them. The Empire of Japan had already attacked China. War put an end to both these threats to civilization, to humanity. War again is required to end Iran’s comparable threats and to damp down the turmoil sweeping through Muslim nations…

… Should President Obama fear to engage Iran in support of Israel he would increase the odds of a World War III and put his campaign for reelection in jeopardy. His pusillanimous excuses for inaction have not gone unnoticed by American voters

China v. Japan, Muslim v. America, EU Collapsing – Obama parties with Jay-Z. Hope and Change.

OTOH….All-out Middle East war as good as it gets

Beyond  being rid of Obama, there might be some other silver linings….

Warning Signs, Spengler

The Laffer Curve, Or the Obama Cliff…

18 Sep

Which 47% are you?

In Obamaland, economic rules, like supply and demand simply do not exist – but the consequences do…


Zero Hedge

Bisexuals can experience prejudice from both directions

18 Sep

Interesting turn of phrase…

Bisexuals may get their day in Berkeley

Bisexual Pride Day, if it’s approved by the City Council, would be celebrated Sept. 23 in conjunction with Bisexual Pride events in Los Angeles, Boston and other cities. But, so far Berkeley – which has no official celebrations planned – is the only city to consider officially recognizing a separate day for bisexuals.

City Councilman Kriss Worthington, who proposed the idea, said he hopes the public will organize parties, forums, barbecues or other events.

Will they be marching Three by Three?



The Good News is We’re Talking About Property Rights…

18 Sep

The sad news we need to have a “Property Rights Conference” in a free country…

Too bad  for Alberta they did not elect Ms. Smith.

Any Day We’re Not Talking About the Economy

18 Sep

Is a good day for Obama…

So let’s get back on track…



Power Line



Obama’s Campaign Describes Obama’s Presidency…

18 Sep

It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation

Messina’s quote is an accurate analysis of the past four years – no doubt the irony is lost on him.

In a not so secret Q and A with potential donors, Mitt Romney clearly laid out the choice Americans have in November, and articulated the more important choice for individuals – are you a taker or a maker?
In 2009, the picture was clear – nearly half of American households will not pay income taxes. Since then Obama’s policies has added millions to the unemployed, doubled the number of people on food stamps, tripled the number of Social Security Disability.
The 47% of “takers” IS Obama’s constituency – Obama has “disdainfully” written off the rest of the nation who are the makers.
Americans have a choice in November.
Daily Caller, CNN


“Wipe out all Japanese dogs” … “Death to America”…

18 Sep

Nature abhors a vacuum – and Obama is the most vacuous President in history…

While much of the West is wrapped up in the unlikely possibility that an Internet trailer could result in the murder of a US Ambassador and 3 others, acts of war against US sovereign facilities and the resulting suspension of the First Amendment …

China is getting set to go to war with Japan – over the anniversary of Japan’s occupation of some uninhabited islands in the East China Sea.

Rowdy protests sprang up in other major cities including Shanghai, raising the risk they could get out of hand and backfire on Beijing, which has given tacit approval to them through state media. One Hong Kong newspaper said some protesters in southern Shenzhen had been detained for calling for democracy and human rights.

The “protests” in China against Japan make the Arab Fail demonstrations look like homecoming week – and like the Middle East, they are government sponsored and encouraged.

China’s phantom economy is collapsing, and the Chinese government need to create a scapegoat – Sayonara Japan

The result of Obama’s foreign policy – or lack thereof – will result in war on multiple fronts

Peace be upon Him

Zero Hedge